10 Indicators That You’re “Being Strategic”

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You might have wondered more than once if you’re “being strategic” and if you’re gunning for that next promotion to a more senior level role, the thought might also have crossed your mind — do others (your peers that matter, your boss or bosses, your bosses boss) view you as “being strategic”?

But wait, what does “being strategic” mean in the first place? In so many of my coaching sessions with high-potential executives eyeing their next role, it’s been understood to mean that someone who is “being strategic” thinks and act in a deliberate and planned manner with the goal of achieving specific long-term objectives or outcomes.

Being strategic involves making choices and decisions that take into consideration the bigger picture, potential consequences, and various factors that could impact the achievement of your goals. It involves aligning your actions and resources in ways that maximize your chances of success. Strategic thinking empowers individuals and organizations to navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and achieve long-term success. But how can you know if you’re truly “being strategic”?

Here are 10 indicators to help you gauge your strategic mindset:

  1. Setting Clear Goals: Are your goals well-defined, aligned with your vision, and focused on the long term? Strategic thinkers set clear objectives that guide their actions and decisions.
  2. Analyzing Holistically: Do you consider a wide range of internal and external factors before making decisions? Strategic thinking involves analyzing the bigger picture, taking into account both the micro and macro perspectives.
  3. Prioritizing Effectively: Can you identify and prioritize tasks based on their importance and potential impact? Strategic individuals allocate resources wisely to maximize results.
  4. Long-Term Vision: Are you considering the future implications of your choices? Strategic thinking extends beyond short-term wins, aiming to create sustainable success over time.
  5. Innovative Problem-Solving: Do you seek innovative solutions to challenges? Strategic thinkers embrace creativity and look for novel approaches to overcome obstacles.
  6. Adapting to Change: How well do you adjust your plans in response to changing circumstances? Strategic individuals remain flexible and adjust strategies as situations evolve.
  7. Risk Management: Are you prepared for uncertainties? Strategic thinking involves identifying and managing risks through proactive planning and mitigation strategies.
  8. Informed Decision-Making: Do you base your decisions on thorough analysis and well-informed judgment? Strategic thinkers gather relevant information before choosing a course of action.
  9. Effective Communication: Can you articulate your strategic vision and plans clearly to others? Strategic individuals are skilled communicators who rally others around shared goals.
  10. Collaborative Approach: Are you fostering collaboration and partnerships to achieve common goals? Strategic thinkers recognize the value of working together to achieve greater impact.

Embracing strategic thinking isn’t reserved for senior executives—it’s a mindset that anyone can cultivate to excel in their roles and contribute to their organization’s success. It doesn’t matter what level you are – these indicators can guide you on your journey toward becoming more strategic.

Strategic thinking is an ongoing journey of growth and development. Continuously honing your ability to think strategically will empower you to navigate the complexities of our ever-evolving professional world.

Which of these indicators resonates most with your personal experience? How have you integrated strategic thinking into your professional life? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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