Integrity Matters

So much has been said about integrity, yet it is often used synonymously with honesty. Both are strong character traits yet they are not quite the same. Honesty means that a person will tell the truth - he won't lie. He truthfully tells or says what he believes in whether it’s right or wrong. If he did it, he will say he did it. Honesty is part…


The Myth About Habits

It is commonly believed that if you did something continuously for 21 days, it would become a habit. And you can change yourself in 21 days. Truth or Myth? This is actually something that originated way back in the 1950’s. A plastic surgeon called Maxwell Maltz noticed that when he performed operations like nose jobs on his patients, it took them about 21 days to get used…


6 Big Questions To Ask Yourself

We ask ourselves questions everyday mostly very simple and basic, like: What to eat for breakfast? Which route to take to work? What do I wear for the event tonight? Small Questions Run Our Lives These questions are very small and may seem insignificant to some but they help us run our lives on a daily basis and we ask them in our heads. The answers…